If your pet spends most of their day scratching, itching, licking, or biting, they could have allergies or fleas. Allergies and fleas have similar symptoms, and it can be hard to determine the issue your pet is experiencing.
Most pets itch due to flea bites, but some animals are allergic to fleas. This condition is known as fleabite hypersensitive or flea allergy dermatitis, which can make pets miserable.
Fleas are blood-sucking parasites that often make pets their host. Dogs and cats are warm, and their furry bodies make them perfect hosts for parasites. Flea bites cause skin inflammation and severe itching as their saliva acts as an allergen.
If your pet has a flea infestation, excessive itching, biting, licking, and scratching are common symptoms. Other signs are scabs, hair loss, red patches of skin, small bumps on the body, and bacterial and yeast infections.
A thorough nose-to-tail physical inspection is necessary if your pet shows signs of flea infection. Inspect areas where fleas are likely to hide. These include the ears, back of the head and neck, armpits, groin, tail, and tummy.
Fleas look for the furriest and warmest spots to nest and lay eggs. If you detect any fleas, they need to be removed immediately. Visit the vet at Animal Hospital of Padre Island for the best flea treatment. Treatments include topical and oral medications and flea preventatives.
If your pet is constantly itching, biting, scratching, and licking but is on flea treatment, it could be due to allergies. Allergies are an adverse reaction to substances known as allergens that affect the pet’s immune system.
The immune system becomes sensitive to normally harmless substances, identifying them as dangerous. It causes the body to react negatively. Other symptoms of allergies are scabbed or red skin, itchy ears, runny eyes, paw chewing, sneezing, coughing, snoring, and diarrhea.
There are different types of pet allergies. They include:
Environmental allergies due to indoor and outdoor allergens
Food allergies from certain ingredients or food additives
Flea allergy dermatitis resulting from flea saliva
If your pet has allergy symptoms, take them to the vet immediately. The vet will examine them to determine the cause of the allergies.
If your pet is experiencing signs of fleas or allergies, you can get them some relief. It is essential to take your pet to the vet. The vet will help determine the cause of the symptoms. You can break the cycle by providing preventive treatment. Get rid of fleas in your home, and make sure that your pet is on preventative medication.
If your pet is allergic to certain substances, ensure they do not encounter them. Keeping your pet indoors will reduce the risk of environmental allergies. Talk to the vet about the best diet for your pet to avoid food allergies.
It is crucial to know that acute allergic reactions can be severe. Getting immediate medical attention can help keep your pet comfortable. The vet will help diagnose and treat the conditions.
For more on pet allergies and fleas, visit Animal Hospital of Padre Island at our Corpus Christi, Texas office. Call 361-949-8200 today to schedule an appointment.